Welcome to my Website!


Diego Fratta About Me:
I'm Diego Fratta, a Lecturer at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I received my undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. I also received my Masters in ECE from the Georgia Institute of Technology. As you can see, this site is pretty mediocre. I will try to keep working on it.

My hobbies include watching and playing soccer and playing video games -- but not the intersection of the two.

My career and research interests include engineering and computer science education, game programming, embedded system software deployment, and hardware development

As a TA, I previously taught ECE 203 Signals, Information and Computing at UW-Madison.

and ECE 2035 Programming for Hardware/Software Systems at Georgia Tech.

and ECE 3710 Circuits and Electronics at Georgia Tech.

In Fall 2023, I will be teaching ECE 3058 Architecture, Systems, Concurrency, and Energy in Computation


Contact: fratta@gatech.edu